8th Grade Homework 2.12.20

For tomorrow, please complete the last part of the Human Bingo activity. This requires you to write 6 sentences saying what people in the room like or don’t like, based on the conversations you had in class. This is your ticket to being able to play Bingo tomorrow!

Also diario #17 is due tomorrow (Thursday). The topic is “Mi restaurant favorito.” You can describe where the restaurant is located, what kind of food the restaurant serves, what you order, who you usually go with, etc.

8th Grade Classwork Instructions 2.11.20

  1. Today you will be visiting a website for a restaurant in Mexico and finding the information you would need in order to have a meal there. You will work with a partner, but each individual person should complete their own worksheet. To access the restaurant website, click the link below that has been assigned to you:

                    Link 1

                    Link 2

                    Link 3

                    Link 4

                    Link 5

  2. When you are finished, bring your paper to Señora Sheldon and begin working on Diario #17. The topic is “Mi restaurant favorito.” You can describe where the restaurant is located, what kind of food the restaurant serves, what you order, who you usually go with, etc. This is due on Thursday (2/13), but you may hand it in today if you finish in class.
  3. If you finish early, you may log onto Quia (here) and practice the activities assigned to you in the class web page.