8th Grade Homework 12.2.14

For tonight, finish the rompecabezas (brain teasers) that we began in class.  Then, write two brain teasers of your own.  Write your lineup on a separate piece of paper and a rough draft of your clues.  Remember, you don’t want it to be impossible to solve, but it shouldn’t be too easy, either!  When you have your clues finalized, re-write them on the paper you received today WITHOUT your answer.  Tomorrow at warm-ups you and your partner will solve each other’s rompecabezas.

There will be a quiz on prepositional phrases (a la izquierda de, cerca de, entre, etc.) on Friday (12/5).

Journal entry #11 is due on Thursday (12/4).  You must write a paragraph describing one of the topics below, using information from the video (as well as other information you look up, if you choose to) and vocab from the packet.  Your choice of topics are:

  • Tradiciones peruanas (ceremonias, medicinas, etc.)
  • Nazca
  • Inti Raymi
  • Machu Picchu
  • La selva amazónica
  • el Lago Titicaca

Remember that if you turn in your journal tomorrow, you receive extra credit.