Piñata Contest Standings (2nd Marking Period)

As of the close of the second marking period, the standings for the piñata homework contest are as follows:

Pinata anatomy

8th Grade

Block 1st Marking Period 2nd Marking Period Current Average Current Contest Standing
 A  86%  79%  83%  3rd
 D  87%  80%  84%  2nd
 F  94%  92%  93%  1st


 7th Grade

Block 1st Marking Period 2nd Marking Period Current Average Current Contest Standing
 B  91%  92%  92%  1st
 G  86%  85%  86%  3rd
 H  92%  85%  89%  2nd

For a refresher on the rules of the piñata contest, click here.

Piñata Contest Standings (2nd Marking Period)

As of the close of the second marking period, the standings for the piñata homework contest are as follows:

Pinata anatomy

8th Grade

Block 1st Marking Period 2nd Marking Period Current Average Current Contest Standing
 A  86%  79%  83%  3rd
 D  87%  83%  85%  2nd
 F  94%  93%  94%  1st


 7th Grade

Block 1st Marking Period 2nd Marking Period Current Average Current Contest Standing
 B  91%  92%  92%  1st
 G  86%  87%  87%  3rd
 H  92%  87%  90%  2nd

For a refresher on the rules of the piñata contest, click here.

Piñata Homework Contest 2014-15

In a revival of last year’s competition, we will again be having a contest between the six Spanish classes.  The classes with the highest average of completed homework (one from 7th, one from 8th) will win the right to break of the two classroom piñatas at the end of the year.

 Some answers to FAQ’s:

            -The ranking of each class will be announced at the end of each marking period.

            – Of the two piñatas, the winning 8th grade class gets to pick theirs first, the winning 7th grade class will get the one that’s left.

            -Yes, the piñatas will contain equal amounts of candy.

            -No, the candy won’t be sitting in there melting and aging all year; I’ll put it in when the time comes to break it.

            -Yes, even if your class is losing in the first marking periods, you still have a chance!  Last year the final averages were very, very close!  ¡Buena suerte a todos!